This ain't the kind of quickie I'm talking 'bout |
So, what's a girl to do?
Ladies, I'm going to share something with you that hit me years ago. It's made my life LOADS easier since I accepted this small fact-of-life. And it's my hope that it squashes this argument for good between you and your man.
The way I see it, for men, jobs and careers are about more than just collecting a paycheck. There's an element of love in it for them. It's a way of showing us how much they love us. In a nutshell, men are willing to spend 8-12 hours away from us and their children so they can earn the money to get us all that we need and some of what we want. They don't even get to be around us long enough to see us enjoy the fruits of their labor or show any kind of real appreciation because they're off to work again!
Believe me, if a man loves you he WANTS to be around you. He's going to want to kiss you and hold you and touch you and, honey, rub you the RIGHT way! Whoo!!! (ahem...'scuse me) He doesn't want to be at work fighting to maintain respect and clammoring for clout in the office. He'd rather be getting off to the sexy lingerie you're wearing and not going off on the idiot in the next cubicle who just threw him under the bus!!!
Likewise, holding down a job or career isn't necessarily a lady's way of expressing love to her man and or her family. Sure, she's going to work just as hard as that man does. And yes, she's may be contributing significantly to the household. Heck, she may even be the sole or primary breadwinner. But by and large, women show love through nurturing not through working.
So, the next time you're missing your man and about to start fussing because all you really want from him is some of his time, consider this: A real man will do what he HAS to do before he'll do what he WANTS to do.
And that means, he will go to work and earn that money before he lays up under us (or on top of us) all afternoon luxuriating in the "glow of looooove." Women want to spend time with their men so they can feel loved. But men work hard and long hours away from us to PROVE they love us.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a one-size-fits-all observation. If your husband doesn't want to be around you and is working ridiculous hours to avoid being around you, then don't try making yourself feel better with this revelation. If you're a single mom holding it down in your household, then this is clearly not for you either.
Content copyright 2010. Relationship Revelations, LLC. All rights reserved.