Tuesday, September 13, 2011


A good man is NOT hard to find. Just ask one of the thousands of women who are doing their damnedest on a daily basis to get with some other woman’s good man!

If that flew by you, try this…

Countless numbers of women are chasing after men who are…oh, how can I phrase this…ALREADY IN COMMITTED RELATIONSHIPS!!! And these women are using Facebook like a farmer’s market to go shopping for the man they want! The problem is these men already have the woman they want and aren’t interested in cheating.

This, my friends, is what I refer to as Facebook Fuckery! And it’s got to stop!

Since the economy has hit rock bottom and people are no longer paying to use dating websites, they’ve turned to Facebook to find the one they want.

Here’s what’s happening: I know of several men – both real life friends and Facebook acquaintances – who have been approached by women interested in dating them regardless of their Facebook status. First they like what they see – an attractive profile photo. So, they start browsing through all the man’s photo albums to check him out in his environment and any clues to his material possessions (cars, house, etc.). If they like what they see overall, they give the status a glance. If he’s involved and doesn’t post the name of his significant other, these desperate divas begin scrolling down the man’s Wall to see who’s commenting or hitting the “Like” button most often. From there, they begin working their way through all the women on the man’s Friends List, sending out Friend Requests like Bed Bath & Beyond shoots out coupons in the mail!

Then innocent female friends like me get frantic phone calls and text messages warning me not to friend this girl and be on the lookout for Inbox messages from that girl. Now, I’m not going to put anyone on blast TODAY, but trust and believe I’ve got a loooonnnng list of women I’ve been warned about. And true to form, they’ve all come a-knockin’ trying to dig up information on the man of their desires.

One woman who wasn’t on my Friend List even began our Inbox dialogue by telling me she’d been a jump-off for 19 years and she wasn’t even 40 years old yet. You do the math! That means this chick had never been in a committed relationship of her own for more than 6 months. She’d always been the sideline girl. And true to form, she was digging around to see if a male Facebook friend was my man. She played nice with me online, but constantly messaged my 25-yr high school friend asking him things like, “Are you fucking Ms. Guillory?”

Clearly, she doesn’t know me. Hell, I would’ve preferred she asked me that question straight out and spared me the bull about being a 19-year jump-off, but that’s neither here nor there.

Ladies (notice, this is the first time I’ve called y’all that), leave these
“good,” involved, committed, dedicated husbands and fathers alone! These women have the nerve to complain to their girlfriends and mommas that they want a good man. They spend hours in church every Wednesday and Sunday praying to God to send them a good man, trying to convince the Good Lord they’re ready to receive the one he’s made special just for them.

But have any of these lifetime members of the Jump-Off Crew stopped to think for a moment? If that committed man gets with them while he’s still with another…is he still a good man? Think about it. Hell no! The moment a man entertains this mess or gets with one of these women, he’s a cheater and a liar and a dog! So, what’s the point? If he’ll do it WITH you, then he’ll do it TO you. Right?

So, to you ladies I say, “Stop the Facebook Fuckery!”

Facebook is a social networking site. It’s not a dating website. It’s not a swingers' site. It’s not even intended for lonely divorcees to comfort one another. It’s just a medium for being social, not shopping for the next happy home you’re going to break up.

I’ve got a good friend who will remain anonymous who shared his personal Facebook policy with me. He said: “Mish, if I’ve been intimate with a woman, I won’t honor her friend request. It brings too much drama.”

He went on to add that these same women will call him up and ask why he hasn’t accepted their Friend Request. His response? “Because you can do what you just did – call me.” Smart man.

The bottom line is you must learn to respect love if you’re going to receive it. If you want a good man, then get a good man who is AVAILABLE. Stop trying to be a super sleuth on Facebook so you can befriend and then betray a lady in an effort to steal her and man.

To the men who try to stop these women, thank you. And women…be warned. The next one of you who Inboxes me trying to backdoor your way to some information about an involved man is getting OUTTED!!! I’m mentioning names, dates and times.

Try me.

Content copyright 2011. Relationship Revelations, LLC. All rights reserved.


  1. hmmmmmm...I personally find the jump off girls a breath of fresh air..they know what they want and go after it, but I do have a problem with them when they forget their place..SIDELINE OR JUMPOFF...PLAY UR PART ..PLAY UR PART! Now the fellas are the ones that need to be checked;if they are strong and happy to be where they are , then they will not entertain the jump offs.

    1. Can't argue with that! But I still hate a jumpoff. Thank you for reading and commenting!

  2. Great comment. Could'nt have said it better.

  3. Men are doing the same thing sort of. Often asked about women that are my friends by friends. But none really asking about married ones...interesting to say the least.

  4. I find the opposite...men who are in committed relationships are chasing us single women!!!

  5. Thank you @ Anonymous 02/21/2012. Men all up on here acting like they innocent. Ummmm nope!

  6. ALLLLLL Men will yield to TEMPTATION and chances are that even if you were fucking him... she'd fuck him too. See men live for the moment when it comes to sex.. they think with both heads and women know this... See women are in total control of sexual relationships... they decide to what degree when they open the door to that male connection. You are right to call these women out... my daughter who is in college says that she wants to work with this new generation of young girls who see cheating as part of the game... it is sad that it is becoming the norm


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